Thursday, June 2, 2022

Pediatrician at ADC

On June 1, Dr. Nawaraj KC, an experienced pediatrician at Karnali Pradesh Hospital, conducted a free health check-up for ADC children. Dr. KC is also the social engineer of this state. Along with them, there are also doctors of different disciplines who take the lead in social work as per the need. Dr. KC and Dr. Rupak Kandel (Orthopedic Specialist) have expressed their commitment to support ADC with mind, word, and action. From now on, ADC children will receive free health check-ups from specialists. Dr. KC Has referred 3 ADC children to his private hospital for free health care.

The ADC Team has been very optimistic. We are discussing with the doctors how to provide services to the children with disabilities in this state. In the next few days, we will move towards our goal with Smart Plan. We want the love and support of all of you. Let's all work together.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

ADC resumed November 17

 Dear well wishers

ADC has started its service from November 17. Now the number of children has also increased. Disabled Children's Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Banepa had organized camps on November 21 and 22 in Surkhet.ADC also collaborated in the camp. Another 15 new children from the camp have been referred to ADC. The children referred in this way come to ADC once a day for physiotherapy. We have now coordinated with the Provincial Hospital and its Pediatrician and Senior Physiotherapy Doctor. They are personally serving us for free.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Participation of ADC in 3 days training of Student Audit Technical Committee

 A Student Accounting Technical Committee (SATC) has been formed in Birendranagar Municipality of Surkhet District with the objective of reducing the disability of school age children and developing their reading skills. Chairman of ADC Surkhet Gyanendra Gautam is a member of this committee formed under the coordination of Municipal Education Chief. The Center for Disability Empowerment (DEC) Surkhet had organized a three-day residential training for the committee. ADC President Gyanendra Gautam represented ADC and SATC in that training.

The aim of the Palika level audit technical committee was to provide technical assistance to the school in the school level preliminary identification, to prepare the list of children with possible functional limitations, to facilitate the necessary second tier audit by experts and to increase the capacity to ensure quality service by identifying disability.

Hygienic kits and Educational materials Provided by DEC Surkhet

 Dear all

After the second wave of Covid 19, ADC has been gradually increasing its activity. It has been working to follow up its clients and coordinate with the concerned organizations. In this regard, the "Disability Empowerment Center" (DEC) in Surkhet has been a great help to us. The "Education for All" program, run by DEC with financial support from USAID, World Education and technical support from HI, has provided hygienic kits and educational materials to 12 ADC children. The chairman and staff of DEC came to ADC and handed over the materials. They are committed to supporting ADC in the future as well.

ADC expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the DEC family.

Saturday, May 15, 2021


All government and non-government organizations in Surkhet have been completely closed since April 28 due to Covid 19. Since that date, ADC Surkhet's physiotherapy program has been completely closed. We have been able to send all the clients staying in our hostel to their homes. Everyone who comes to day care is now staying at home. They contact our physiotherapist by phone from time to time and practice at home.

The second wave is locked down to prevent corona infection. Nothing is certain when it will open. Corona infections and the resulting mortality rate are now higher. The patient is not getting a bed in the hospital. People are dying daily due to lack of oxygen. Hopefully the government will take control of this difficult situation soon and the situation will return to normal. Then we will return to our regular work.

Dear well-wishers, here are some pictures taken inside our center before this lockdown.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dear Well-wishers, 

After a 10-month shutdown due to Corona, we started service on January 17th. The service has been resumed after discussions with parents and the board. In the meantime, we have completed the work of home visit with priority. We talked on the phone with distant parents.

The parents complained that the condition of the children was deteriorating while they were at home. Children do not readily accept parental physiotherapy or reading at home. In the organization, children play together, have fun and listen to what the staff says. At present, only children from Surkhet district are receiving services from us. Gradually, we will provide services to the children of other districts as well.

                                                                             Thank You

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

आफु सुरक्षित रहौं र अरुलाई पनि सुरक्षित रहन सहयोग गरौँ ।

आदरणीय यस संस्थाका सेवा- ग्राही ज्युहरु , सम्पूर्ण सदस्य ज्युहरु , कर्मचारी साथीहरु र संस्था संग प्रत्यक्ष्य - परोक्ष्य रुपमा  जोडिनु भएका सम्पूर्ण महानुभाबहरु , यतिबेला सम्पूर्ण विश्व कोरोना  भाईरस संग जुधिरहेको छ।  बितेको ४/५ दिन यता हाम्रो सुर्खेत र समग्र कर्णाली प्रदेश नै भाइरसको उच्च जोखिम मा रहेको तथ्यहरु बाहिर आईराखेको छ। यस कठिन घडीमा  कोरोना भाईरस बिरुद्दको भ्याक्सिन बनेर हामीकहाँ आईपुग्ने बेलासम्म का लागि सामाजिक दुरी बनाएर बस्ने र विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन साथै  नेपाल सरकार ले दिएको सुरक्ष्यात्मक उपायहरु अवलम्बन गर्नु भन्दा बाहेक अरु  विकल्प नै छैन। अतः यस बिशम परिस्थितिमा हजुरहरु जो, जहाँ, जुन अवस्थामा हुनुहुन्छ उच्च मनोबलका साथ प्रचलित सुरक्ष्यात्मक नियमहरु पालना गरि बसिदिनुहुन हार्दिक अनुरोध छ।  भईपरी आउन सक्ने खाद्यान्न तथा स्वास्थ्य संकट समाधानका निम्ति स्थानिय सरकार र  स्थानिय समाजसेवी व्यक्ति / संस्था हरुसँग सम्पर्कमा रहिरहुनुहोला। राहत सहयोग अत्याबस्यक भएको तर नपाएको खण्डमा , हाम्रा बालबालिकामा थप शारीरिक जटिलता देखिएमा  वा मनोपरामर्श , सल्लाह आवस्यक भएको खण्डमा निम्न मोबाईल नम्बरहरु मा सम्पर्क राख्नुहोला। 
९८४८०००७०६ - ज्ञानेन्द्रराज गौतम ( अध्यक्ष )
९८४८०४१००६ - बिजय कुमार बस्नेत ( उपाध्यक्ष्य )
९८४८०४८३८१ - पूर्ण बहादुर रावत (सचिब , मानो परामर्श दाता )
९८४१६८०८५४ - गगनसिंह गिरि  ( कोषाध्यक्ष्य )
९८५८०७१५०० - दिपेन्द्र ठाकुर  ( सिनियर फिजियो थेरापिस्ट  )
९८४४८०९४२६ - ओम बहादुर बसेल  ( असिस्टेन्ट फिजियो थेरापिस्ट )

आफु सुरक्षित रहौं  र अरुलाई पनि सुरक्षित रहन सहयोग गरौँ ।

ए डी सी परिवार
